Imagine If you could prevent your child going through traumas and making negative friendships that could cause them to have criminal life style or worse
Imagine not having to hit your child and they still grew to be happy in their personal and professional life?
Imagine If you and your child have greater resilience and self confidence?
Most importantly, have respect and love towards each other, even during challenges, discipline and conflicts?
Imagine you and your child attracting the right, positive people into your lives?
Is This How You Feel About Your Life And Parenting?

Scared for your child

Money wasted

Dealing With Your Trauma And Building Resilience & emotional intelligence for Yourself And your Child Just Got Easier, Without The Parenting Guilt, tantrums & VIOLENCE
Which Of These Four Lies Is Stopping You From Dealing With Your Trauma And Stopping Your Success?
What This IS Not!

Impact Parenting is the package and pillar that is transforming homes and families.
Helping parents reconnect with their child, and helping children know and love themselves better without the negative friends and peers

Are These Stopping Your Healing?

I Do Not Have Time
"If you don't take time for your wellness, you will be forced to take time for your illness."
Joyce Sunada
You and your child only have one body and one mind, being too busy for you and your child's wellbeing and support to deal with your trauma, your child's behaviour and negative friends will eventually lead to destruction, bleeding on others and continuous negative relationship even with your child.

It Will Bring Up Bad Memories
"60% of People who completed suicide refused Counselling when offered, 25% didn't engage in therapy before suicide."
Royal College Of Psychiatrists
Impact Parenting Therapeutic package does not make you feel worse, ignoring the problem makes you feel worse and even kills and that is the fact. Mould grows in darkness, once you shine light and speak about your trauma, issues with your child with a professional like your Psychotherapist here with us, your Therapist can help you unpack it and clean the mould permanently so sunshine can come in, ignoring mould will make it grow and infect the rest of your health and relationships, opening doors, cleaning it properly and shining light will be the best thing you ever do.

It Is Too Expensive
"Going to therapy increases your income, it helps you build a happier relationship, find and keep better-paying jobs."
Research by British Household Panel
Here at Floating Counselling, we know that you matter and we want to help you and your family, so we have created a manageable cost that everyone can afford. How much do you place on you and your child's happiness? Is your positive future not worth it? Should we ask celebrities like Robin Williams how much they will pay for their happiness?
This is NOT an advice service
This is NOT A place we will judge you
This is NOT a place your Psychotherapist attempts to sort out your problems
Imagine Having The Healing And Success You Have Been Craving?
Now It's Time For You And Your Child To Step Into Your Excellence
Its Time To Rewire Your Trauma To Step Into Healing

Therapy With Realistic Tools And Strategy For A Better Life
We have combined 45 years as clinical Psychotherapists, with 50,000+ clinical hours of working to help and support individuals, children, and parents to live better and be better
We have realistic tools and strategies with a proven scientific record that works
You get to keep the 45 years of scientifically proven strategies to heal your trauma and help you parent more effectively, to prevent and stop continuous generational trauma in you, your child, and your family.
Finding it hard to understand or manage your child's behaviour?
We Can Help
Even if you or others you know have had therapy before and it did not work, It will with us, if you are willing to do the tasks and strategies given by your fully qualified and licensed Psychotherapist, to heal your past traumas, and emotional pains, to learn to connect and rewire your child's brain to attach healthily to you to bond better with you.
Impact Parenting Therapeutic Support
Huge Faith
We know it takes huge faith to come to get therapeutic counselling in dealing with your trauma, your child and needs, to ensure you have a better relationship with self, others and your child. We will help you to learn to be aware of your healing journey and help you start to work through past hurts, traumas and let downs in order to not pass them onto your child and current or future spouses subconsciously or consciously
Learn to love yourself your own unique way
Huge Confidence
You will have templates, homework, support and if needed proven scripts on how to heal, and be effective, as well as loving to yourself and your child, without killing their unique spirit or suppressing it, whilst still maintaining a positive loving connection and healthy, secure attachment with your child. In order for that to happen, you need to love yourself unconditionally
Learn to love your child their own unique way
Huge Resillience
You will learn about your emotions, how to build and maintain resilience by learning skills on how to regulate emotions. Decreasing maladaptive behaviour patterns that result from poor self-awareness. Improving the ability to balance your personal and professional life. You will learn how to communicate more effectively in relationships and with your child to create a positive attachment. Learn useful tools and strategies to overcome any life challenges
Imagine life with a fully qualified Psychotherapist walking with you step by step through life's challenges, imagine how much easier, lighter and happier you and your child could be, with realistic tools and mental strategies that can be used and adapted to almost every challenges life might bring you?
1: Therapeutic Technique
Two Counselling sessions per month (value £320)
​Counselling is a talking therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you and helping you find ways to deal with emotional issues and build resilence

2: Empowerment Gameplan
Monthly empowerment seminars and wellbeing workshops (value £500)
Mental Wellbeing workshops offers a range of resources and solutions for you in all areas of your life, from parenting, to physical health to professional.
3: Weekly Principles
Weekly Motivational quotes & videos (value £329.99)
Weekly quotes, videos and flyers to keep you motivated, empowered and uplifted to be able to achieve your goals and support in your healing journey

4: Physical Parenting Strategy
Physical book, workbook and eBooks (value £99.99)
Every months you will receive books and eBooks to support you in your parenting, mental, and physical journey, as well as workbooks you get to keep forever, so you can keep using them even after your journey with us here ends.
5: Parenting Pillar Training
Mental health, parenting and business online training (value £4,500)
Access to all the trainings facilitated by the Floating Counselling staffs to help you in your personal, career and business journey to reach fullfillment

Bonus 1 -
Impact Parenting Tribe
Access to a private group where you will be supported with your parenting questions by our Psychotherapist and mental health first aiders, as well as supported by other parents in a loving way
Bonus 2 -
Impact Masterclass
Monthly masterclasses and training from world experts, with easy to follow downloadable cheatsheet, workbook, PDF, and shareable support packages of tools and strategies you could adapt straight away.

Bonus 3 -
Impact Prompts
Weekly email prompt to help you to be mentally, physically and spiritually healthier, tips to follow in making you aware of how to care for self better and heal past traumas
As parents ourselves here at Floating Counselling, we know you would find every month beneficial, however, if after the first 30 days you Are Not 100% Satisfied you will get 100% money back Guaranteed

We are parents just like you here at Floating Counselling and we want you to be 100% satisfied, so we are giving you our promise that if you attend you first month counselling session and get all the packages and support in your first 30 days and strive to do the tasks and adapt them to your life but you are not satisfied with it, then we will give you your money back.
Plus you can also cancel the monthly support anytime you want,
its pay as you go
So What Are You Waiting For?
You Have Nothing To Lose But So Much To Gain
Are You Still Unsure That I Can Help You, Your Child And Family?
Hi, I'm Celestina Oniye-Thomas
CEO, Psychotherapist and Parent Coach
After almost 24 hours of spinal injury at the age of 16, that left me paralyzed, I began to love life and my passion to work with children grew. I fought through all odds and taught myself to walk again, despite doctors thinking and repeatedly telling me that
"You may never walk again."

I am now muti award, fully-certified and qualified Integrative, Psychotherapist, I specialise in Cognitive Behaviour and Neurolinguistics Psychotherapy I have been in this Profession for 15 years wife and mother of 2. My passion is to help other parents and children heal from their past trauma so they and your child can flourish. The essence of my work is to facilitate self-growth by helping you identify the core challenges and setbacks in your life so that you can overcome them with inner confidence. The team and I specialise in creating personalised plans and providing tools to guide you and your family forward and achieve your desired goals.
I now use my over a decade experience as a Psychotherapist, my father's genius parenting strategy, my trauma from my stepmother, overcoming death three times and paralyses as well as my experience as an ex-teacher to support families and parents in the last 15 years. I want all parents to heal so they do not keep passing their trauma to their children, I wished all children heal, I want to help parents see their child's uniqueness and grow it to allow your child to be great in all areas.
This Is For You If:
You have had enough of being in a continuous negative relationship with no happy ending
You do not want your child to have to heal from trauma you cause them
You know ignoring Your mental health problems is not making it better
But this is not for you if...
You are not ready to heal your past traumas or you do not see the power in healing journey
You do not think your mental and physical health is worth paying for
But You Do Not Have To Take Our Word For It

Sarah Turino, USA
CEO and Creator The Whole Woman Wellness Formula
I have learned so much from Impact Parenting Pillar training and Celestina. It was incredibly and well-rounded, that supported a wide variety of issues that parents face. I have teenagers children, and in the USA, the state I am in we have been homeschooling basically throughout 2020. So I really needed this, it was full of knowledge to parent more consciously.

Danya Denny, UK
Social Worker and Beauty Consultant at Body Desire
My son had terrible 2'ce where he will throw himself on the floor and not follow boundaries. I have now been helped to know his personality better and given realistic tools on how I can help him be more resilient in a loving way, to create a lasting secure bond.
It was good for me to see and know myself better too, the workbooks and cheat-sheets allowed me to look at my past traumas and find healthy ways to move forward to be better for my children.

Niina Kabesa, Congo
Author and Founder of Mother Of Nations
As a mother of 6 from newborn to 18 years old, I learnt so much from Impact Parenting from Celestina, I was able to adapt strategies to my real life and all my children straight away, I am still using them 4 months later, I keep going back to the workbooks and resources given, to raise my children to be their genius individual confident self. Every parent needs this.
We Are Here To Help You And Your Family!
Is The Alternative Worth The Consequences?

More testimonials

Imagine You and Your Child Having Less Anxiety And Stress
Imagine Having The Ability To Have Healthy Boundaries
Imagine Having No Parenting Guilty
Imagine Having Greater Stress Bucket And More Resilience And Confidence
Imagine Having A Better Relationship With Yourself, Child And Spouse
Imagine Life After You Learn To Forgive Self And Your Parents