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We Have Enjoyed Delivering Holiday & Saturday School

This Page Will Be Where We Will Be Posting The Newsletters 

Christmas 2021 might have felt like it was a lifetime away, but I wanted to share some amazing experiences some of your children had with us.
click here the images in the parenting group

As always each day had a theme. We are more than just a holiday school packed with fun activities, we also want to actually teach your children what schools are probably not, as well as enforce what they are like maths, English and science. Well, most public schools are not teaching the same as private schools. If your child is in a private school then yes, they are getting taught all we are also teaching them.

Which Of These Lies Is Stopping You From Coming To Therapy?

Man Using a Tablet

I Do Not Have Enough Time

"If you don't take time for your wellness, you will be forced to take time for your illness"

Joyce Sunada

harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et

deserunt, recusandae. 

Man Using a Tablet

I Will Remember Bad Things From My Past

"60% of People who completed suicide refused Counselling when offered, 25% didn't engage in therapy before suicide.

Royal College Of Psychiatrists


Counselling does not make you feel worse, not going makes you feel worse and even kills and that is the fact. Mold grows in darkness, once you shine the light and speak about your trauma with a professional like your counsellor here with us, your Therapist can help you unpack it and clean the mold permanently so sunshine can come in, ignoring mold will make it grow and infect the rest of the property, opening doors, cleaning it properly and shining light will be the best thing you ever do.

Man Using a Tablet

Paint A Very Bleak Picture And Identify That You Too Were Once In This Very Position. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam

harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et

deserunt, recusandae. 

Hint at the fact that you discovered the solution...

...that can put an end to all this pain and suffering, and now... are on a mission to help others just like you! 

Ask them to imagine what life will be like when

they to have the success you have?

There were a few things that concerned some of the staff and myself, so I am addressing them moving into 2022 not to be judgemental but to educate and support you and your child/ren moving forward.


  • Ears
    Children being allowed to hear adult conversation is abuse, parents please be mindful of what kind of news on television you allow your child to be present to watch. BBC and CNN news are not for children, if you want them to be aware of the world, put on CBBC news for them, the language and images used are child friendly and not abusive to your child's mind. Dangers of your child hearing and seeing these are more than problematic, their brain is still developing and psychological harm is neverending, from mistrust of others around them which can and may affect relationships in adulthood, to them mimicking the behaviours as they think it's normal, and lots more in between. Growing up we didn't have such 24 hours a day access to television, so I understand this is a new era. But be mindful parents, your child's mind is in the hand, with great power comes great responsibilities. 

    Children being allowed to watch shows or games above their age is abuse.
    If porn for a child is a clear abuse, then games, shows, and films 12/15/18 which causes the same danger to your child's brain and their wellbeing is abuse too. From children using sexual references to demonic and violent references they have no idea what it means, it's all abuse.

    Finally, we have children from all backgrounds, ethnicity and social class, moving forward I will be incorporating finance education in our holiday schools, as some children seem to have distorted and unrealistic expectations of their future as well as others and I believe incorporating "what do you want to be when you grow up" with finance education "what is money, what we use the money for, where it comes from, the value of self and money, business mindset and how can I make money by being uniquely myself and many more topics we will be carrying on in 2022 in our Saturday and holiday schools.

    Our Saturday and Holiday schools are ONLY for mainstream children, moving forward if I sense, feel and notice your child is displaying special needs I will be stopping the child from attending but my private support for you is always open if and when you are ready to get yourself and child-appropriate support, but the mainstream setting is not the right support for them or other children in my mainstream setting.

Any questions please do not hesitate to contact me

Finally finally lol

We have decided that we will also be taking cultural education to the next level and teaching our young people one European language (French by Ms Niina) and one West African Language (Twi- Ghanaian Language and Yoruba - Nigerian Language) 


Show Them They Can GetThe Above Benefits And Results Without....

Man Using a Tablet

Wasted Time.....

Man Using a Tablet

Wasted Money.....

Man Using a Tablet

Frustration Etc...

Now it's Time For The Big Reveal...

Hit them with a snazzy heading to lead in..



Name of your offer.

Here's where you officially announce your offer on this page. This is the big reveal. Explain what makes it better than other offers out there and what makes it unique. As always make sure it calls out those who would have objections e.g. even if you have no business idea / tried every diet etc. 


X This IS NOT a course...

X This IS NOT like the hundreds of courses / templates you may have seen...

X This [product / strategy] IS NOT a [course / book] 

Huge Benefit 1

Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.

abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo

quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.

Huge Benefit 2

Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.

abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo

quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.

Huge Benefit 3

Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.

abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo

quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.

Show off just how much easier, lighter,

happier, better things will be when this

solution is placed into their lives. 


Module 1

Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.

abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo

quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.


Demo image

Module 2

Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.

abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo

quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.


Demo image

Module 3

Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.

abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo

quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.


Demo image

Module 4

Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.

abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo

quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.


Demo image

Module 5

Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.

abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo

quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.


Demo image

Module 6

Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.

abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo

quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.


Demo image



Bonus 1

Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.

abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo

quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.


Demo image


Bonus 1

Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.

abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo

quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.


Demo image


Bonus 1

Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.

abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo

quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.


Demo image

Present your juicy offer stack with catchy headline...


         _Core element included in the offer (value $xx)              _Core element included in the offer (value $xx)

         _Core element included in the offer (value $xx)              _Core element included in the offer (value $xx)

         _Core element included in the offer (value $xx)              _Core element included in the offer (value $xx)

         * Bonus element included in the offer (value $xx)           * Bonus element included in the offer (value $xx)

         * Bonus element included in the offer (value $xx)           * Bonus element included in the offer (value $xx)   

Total value $997

Today only = $27

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Use This Space To Talk About A Guarantee

if They Are Not 100% Satisfied.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. 

Hi, I'm [Your Name] 

Use This Area To Tell Your Story. 

Talk about your failure when you first started looking for a solution. Maybe there was a conspiracy against you. a false bol lot a misunderstanding. 

Show how the traditional methods didn't work and you were super frustrated. 

Then, you had an 8h-ha moment that broug ht you the result, benefit. solution you were looking for.

Lorom ipsum dolor sit amet.consoctatur adipiaking olit.Autem dolor°, alias. numquam enim ab voluptato id quam harum ducimus cupiditato similiquo quisquam et deserunt. recusanclae. 

Lorern ipsom dolor sit met_ COASeCtetur adipl5king ellt.Autern odiole, alias. fru Mquain enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus co piditate similique quisquam at deserunt, recusandae. 


This is for you if...

 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam 

 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing alit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam 

-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam

harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam 

But This is for you if...

 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam 

 -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing alit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam 

-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam

harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam 


Female Trainer

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit omet.

consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

dolore. alias. numquam enim ab

voluptate id quam harum ducimus

cupiditate similique quisquam et

deserunt, recusandae. Autem

dolore. alias, numquam enim ab

voluptate id quo= harum ducimus

cupiditote similique quisquam et



Female Trainer

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit omet.

consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

dolore. alias. numquam enim ab

voluptate id quam harum ducimus

cupiditate similique quisquam et

deserunt, recusandae. Autem

dolore. alias, numquam enim ab

voluptate id quo= harum ducimus

cupiditote similique quisquam et



Female Trainer

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit omet.

consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

dolore. alias. numquam enim ab

voluptate id quam harum ducimus

cupiditate similique quisquam et

deserunt, recusandae. Autem

dolore. alias, numquam enim ab

voluptate id quo= harum ducimus

cupiditote similique quisquam et



Add some videos testimonials ( or screenshots)

if you have them.


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Demo image


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Remaind Them of The Scarcity.

That Waiting Will Have Consequences.

Present Your Juicy Offer Stack With Catchy Headline...

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